About Me!

Let me Introduce Myself...    

    Hello! My name is Morgan and welcome to my digital media blog! I'm currently a student at UT and I'm excited to be majoring in Computer Science. I really enjoy reading fantasy and science fiction books, my favorite series is currently the "Throne of Glass" Novels by Sarah J. Maas. I like planning and writing in my own personal journal where I can just be myself and pour all of the creativity that I can manage onto the pages. I also love going to the gym and working out (although I hate running with a passion), weightlifting is by far my favorite part about it. In relation to that, I also enjoy playing lacrosse and I'm hoping to play on the club or school team at UT.   
    Initially, when I was enrolled into the class, I had thought it was to teach people about social/ internet media, and current news events. However, now that I know the class actually about digital art and software I am super excited! You see, when I was in Highschool I took a photoshopping class and I found it really interesting and unique so I'm glad that I get another chance at that sort of topic again. By the end of the class I'm hoping to achieve knowledge in basic software usage and further my skills in Adobe Photoshop and digital art in general                                                                              



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